Reader Profile
Growing up, I read everything. If the book was in my house, I read it. My mom often joked that she would leave her book club book out on the kitchen table for a week, and then ask me what she should talk about at the meeting. I bulldozed through the YA room at my local library. I read my siblings’ books, even if they were technically below my grade level. Picture the very hungry caterpillar, but with books instead of apples and cupcakes. As an adult, my reading life has been less consistent, but richer. My undergraduate degree is in Creative Writing/Poetry, so that was a time of discovering literary magazines. In my early twenties, I formed a book club and we read pretty widely from almost every genre possible. Ironically, during my time as an MLIS student, I’m reading less than I think I ever have, and I miss it so much. I know I’ll get back to it when the bulk of my reading stops being so academic. When I do find the time, I gravitate most towards: - Poetry, still! It’s probably...